Try setting the log level to LEVEL_DEBUG and watch the log. Maybe that
helps finding out what's wrong. Without actually running your code, I'd
say it should be ok.

What you can also try is to disable the stylesheet (by using the
identity transformer and loading an XSL:FO file). This helps narrow down
the possibilities for errors. Also temporarily comment out the SVG code
in your stylesheet to see if it has something to do with that.

On 05.05.2003 09:23:50 Ozhan Hassan wrote:
> I am experiencing some a weird problem while trying to render some SVG.
> I have a simple java program which reads in an XML file and an XSLT
> stylesheet (containing some SVG) and render it out to PDF. What happens is
> my terminal just frezzes, and I can't kill the process or do anything
> else. The process only hangs when I run my application, i.e. if I run fop
> from the command line passing it the XSLT with the SVG, it works fine.

<snip what="code"/>

Jeremias Maerki

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