On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 12:11:44PM -0400, Stefan Seefeld wrote:
> Jason Novotny wrote:
> >
> >   I've been using the standard Norman Walsh docbook fop stylesheets 
> >with mixed success. I'm wondering if anyone has any crafted, improved or 
> >more robust stylesheets they would be willing to share with me-- since
> what exactly isn't working the way you would expect ?

The original mail was not from me but here is one thing that does not
work for me. The section titles and the paragraphs following it don't
keep together. I don't know if there is domething wrong fith FOP or is
it the stylesheet. Everything else seems to working so far.


> >ultimately it's an XSL stylesheet that controls the usefulness of 
> >docbook I'm suprised there aren't "commercial" stylesheets out there-- 
> >or maybe there are...
> I can't see why anything 'commercial' would necessarily be better.
> Regards,
>               Stefan
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