I am using the fop 0.20.4 binary distribution on Windows.


I have a couple of questions I’m hoping that others can help me with.


1) I am unable to get FOP to invoke JAI to handle a TIFF or PNG. I have copied the jai_core.jar and jai_codec.jar files to {fop-install-lib}\lib.


Here is my FO:





When I invoke FOP with the JAI libraries in the path I get the following error:

[ERROR] Error while creating area : Error creating FopImage object (file:/C:/image.tiff) : Jimi image library not available


Why would I get the Jimi image library not available if I’m trying to use JAI?


2) I read through the thread on “clarifications about using JAI/JIMI with FOP” and it appears that those who successfully used JAI had to build FOP themselves. Does the binary distribution really support JAI as described or do I need to actually built FOP myself to support it? Also, should I be using a different version of FOP?


3) I cannot render a TIFF in a PDF with the JIMI library

If I invoke FOP with the JIMI library in the path I get the following


[ERROR] Error while creating area : Error while loading image file:/C:/image.tiff : class java.lang.Exception - Image error


Any thoughts?


Thank you in advance,






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