    I wrote a program to retrieve some data from database and then generate a xml file by using JDOM. Then, I use FOP to generate the PDF file. It works fine but later I found out the image in the PDF file will not get refresh until I restart tomcat, even I tried to delete the PDF file and regenerate again, the problem still exists.
    If I delete the image from the folder and regenerate the PDF file, it get refreshed. If I put in the image which is not exist in the folder previously and regenerate the PDF file, it also get refreshed. The problem exists when I update the old image with a new image (same file name) and regenerate PDF, the image won't get refresh (i.e.: still showing the old image) until I restart tomcat. The tomcat I'm using is version 4.1.24. May I know is there any API that can allow me to force the image to get refreshed or this is a bug? Is it something wrong with my tomcat configuration or fop? Is there any documentation or example that I can follow? I try to look around but couldn't get any. Thanks for any help...

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