Hi all,

the third Release Candidate for 0.20.5 is finally available at
http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/xml/fop for downloading.

[The difference between 0.20.5rc3a and 0.20.5rc3 - which was
available for a short period of time - is a bugfix for
text-alignment in the AWT renderer]

The changes from the previous release candidate include some
bugfixes (duplicated text/images (#17472), text alingment and
more) and PDF encryption, line/column-number support for
FOPExceptions and a auto-landscape rotation option for the PS
renderer as new features.

Changes since 0.20.4 include:

- Fixed link hotspot positioning
- Fixed multi-threading issues
- Added autoselecting  portrait/landscape on PCL Renderer
- Improved AWT Font-measuring/rendering
- Perfomance tuning
- Added support for CCITT Group 4 encoded TIFF files
- Dynamic JAI support
- Fixed problem with jpegs with icc profile and acrobat reader 5
- Added a fontBaseDir property
- TXTRenderer output encoding
- border-spacing support

For details see CHANGES file:
Please send feedback/bugreports to the mailing list or enter them
in Bugzilla.

Enjoy, Christian

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