
Calling Response.setContentType(String) shouldn't cause the servlet container to re-execute a call to ActionServlet.doGet(...); have you determined why this is occuring?

Fortunately, you have options if you cannot find a solution.  Here are some:

(1) Create a servlet that generates the PDF. Forward to the servlet in your Action class.

(2) Create the same servlet mentioned above and call it directly, bypassing Struts.

(3) Generate the PDF within the Action class, and instead of returning it as the contents of the HTTP Response, save the PDF to the file system and return an HTTP redirect to the PDF.

Let me know if you have questions on any of the above.


Glen Mazza wrote:
In your Struts Action.ActionForward class, if you call
"response.reset();" at the beginning it seemed to work
for me (erases the first of the two calls IE made).

However, I suspect that would then render Mozilla and
Netscape browsers inoperable because they don't make
multiple calls.  Perhaps best to find out the browser
the client is using first?  Main thing is make sure
your changes don't affect users of other browsers that
were programmed correctly.

Or, if possible, better to design the code such that
even if it calls it multiple times everything will
still work fine.  If IE is a sluggish browser because
it insists on requesting & generating reports multiple
times, then so be it--recommend to your users other
browsers for better speed!

Other possibilities:


--- Brett DiPerna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Glen,
I am having this same problem.  Did you ever find a
solution or workaround?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Currently I'm returning PDF manually from my Struts
Action subclass,
without using stxx.

Works fine, except that for some reason the doGet()
request for this
action ends up being called twice--apparently
because of the
setContentType("application/pdf") statement within
the Action
subclass code. (I'm using an MSIE client, and if I
don't use the
setContentType() statement, the problem doesn't
occur but I don't get
PDF back.) This results in the XML->PDF process
occuring twice to
generate the same response.

Has anyone ever had this problem with stxx--that of
the browser
somehow automatically requesting the processing to
occur twice? If
no, I may need to switch to stxx to solve this


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