Todtenhaupt, Susann wrote:
While transforming with fop I always get the error-message:
        At least one of minimum, optimum, or maximum IPD must be specified
on      table.

The table width is usually calculated as the sum of the column widths. If you missed supplying a width for some columns, or if you used proportional-column-width(), the total width can't be computed and you get the message above. In this case, set a width for the table, for example <fo:table width="100%" ... or <fo:table width="10cm" ...

Furthermore I'm trying to get a value from a node in my xml-file by using
xsl:value-of select="foo". The foo-value represents a hard path pointing to
the relative node (like /root/node1/node2). So far so good, but no value
gets returned...

This is an XSLT question which is best asked on the XSL list (I think you got this told already). Take some time to reformulate it, terms like "hard path" or "relative node" are not commonly used and not part of the standard notation.

If your problem is like the following:
 <xsl:variable name="path" select="'/root/node1/node2'"/>
 <xsl:variable name="foo" select="$path"/>
and you wonder why $foo evaluates to '/root/node1/node2' rather than the
value of the /root/node1/node2 element, see for example
and related messages for comments.


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