jb wrote:

> I've have a problem getting special charecters show correct in the PDF
> generated by FOP.
> To not make the XML import file corrupt i change all special
> chars to f.ex.
>  char(38) = & = & etc.
> i've also tried this
> char(38) = & = & should equal the Adobe standard font.
> but the PDF just shows &
> what am i doing wrong here ?

AFAICT, either of them should work. However, I am suspicious of the
char(38). That looks like it is part of a program instead an XML document
(but maybe you are just showing the decimal equivalent). If you are trying
to encode the value in Java, use the hex value "\u0026" or just the
character "&" in your string. BTW, there is also an & entity for this
purpose. See
for more details.

Another possibility is that you are getting the character encoded in your
semantic XML document correctly, but that it is being transformed
incorrectly when you convert to XSL-FO. Check the XSL-FO document to see
whether the problem occurs before or after that point:
If it occurs before that point, then you really have an XSLT question.
Otherwise, please make sure you are running the latest version of FOP, then
post back to this list with a 2-3 line snippet showing the context (more if

Victor Mote

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