I am trying to use variables inside blocks as below

<fo:block >
        <xsl:if test="$City!=''">
              <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space($City)"/>
          <xsl:if test="$State!=''">
             &#x2C;&#160;<xsl:value-of select="$State"/>
          <xsl:if test="$Zip!=''">
            &#160;<xsl:value-of select="normalize-space($Zip)"/>
          <xsl:if test="$ZipExt!=''">
             -<xsl:value-of select="$ZipExt"/>

My expected output is City, State Zip-ZipExt

But i am getting City{space}, State Zip{Space}-ZipExt

Please let me know how to avoid the extra space after the variable.


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