Jay Chiu wrote:

I generate fo file with svg section to hold absolute positioned
text and images. If the image size matches the width and height
attributes of the svg:image element, the image in final
generated pdf looks fine. But if the image size is bigger than
the width/height attributes of the svg:image element, then the
quality of the image in the final pdf is very bad. I include the png file in svg section of .fo file through
<svg:image width="350" height="280" x="1mm" y="80"

Have you tried running your SVG using Batik's squiggle? Does it look okay there. If not, then this question should really be directed at the Batik guys, because FOP uses Batik to handle its SVG. If it does look okay in squiggle, then there could be an issue in FOP's SVG-PDF Transcoder.

One other question: Does the image inside the SVG look okay if you dont specify width and height attributes on svg:image?

But the png file directly included in .fo scales fine.
<fo:external-graphic src="url('p1.png')" width="120px"

fo:external-graphics are handled entirely within FOP.



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