Rauh, Michael wrote:
I'm running XSLT transformations from within Java and put the result DOM into
FOP's AWTRenderer. ... That's all working fine with Xalan (from the JDK) and
> jd.xslt. But with Saxon 6.5.3 and Saxon 7.8, FOP throws NullPointerExceptions.
> Here's the ouput when using Saxon-6.5.3:
[ERROR] Unsupported element encountered: null (Namespace: null). Source
context: unavailable

I use Saxon with FOP all the time. However, I use SAX to pipe the transformation result to the FOP driver (see http://xml.apache.org/fop/embedding.html#ExampleXML2PDF)

I guess there is a problem with the DOM or the DOM walker
implementation, or perhaps you screwed the DOM while
postprocessing. If you dont process the transformation result,
I recommend using SAX, it's more ressource friendly anyway
(less memory).


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