thanks guys for some answers...

i think i'll doing some experiments with the performance using the xalan...
i suspect that it was the FO-Processor that took the most resources,
because i have some graphics in the header, and page-citation in the footer

a little bit out of topic..
my supervisor told me this morning, that i should take TeX/LaTeX
to produce the pdf...he said, it should be faster with TeX ..
what i mean here is not the FO-Processor from Passive-TeX,
but pure TeX,... using Java to get the input from the database
and then generate the pdf using pdfTeX library, or something like that
does anyone here have any experience with TeX and can told me about the



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Clay Leeds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet am: Dienstag, 25. Mai 2004 20:22
Betreff: Re: question about performance


On May 25, 2004, at 11:04 AM, Andreas L. Delmelle wrote:
> Hmm... XSL-FO is designed exactly to serve purposes like this.
> That being said: is it actually FOP's processing that takes a long 
> time, or
> is it the XSL transform? Can you test this a bit maybe? Run the XSL
> transform separately (preferrably also through another processor than 
> Xalan
> to compare results). Just adding this, because I know out of 
> experience that
> 'newbie' code can easily drain an XSLT processor's resources. Things 
> like
> double forward slashes ( '//*' ) might seem 'handy' in being able to
> retrieve a node from any context in the stylesheet, but an explicit 
> XPath
> expression pointing at exactly the right node saves the processor a few
> (--possibly quite a few) unnecessary tree traversals.
> Also, could you do a bit more research on whether it is the context of 
> the
> servlet that creates the delay? Try rendering the same XML+XSLT via the
> command-line, and see if there's any noticeable difference...
> Hope this helps!
> Greetz,
> Andreas

To continue a bit on where I think Andreas was headed, there's a script 
distributed with FOP, you can use to test the XSL portion: Xalan. The 
scripts are called 'xalan.bat' (Windows/DOS) and 'xalan.sh' (the rest 
of us)

The cmd line is simple:

xalan.sh version:
    xalan.sh -IN input.xml -XSL input.xsl -OUT output.fo

xalan.bat version
    xalan.bat -IN input.xml -XSL input.xsl -OUT output.fo

There are other commands which you can see by running 
xalan.bat/xalan.sh with no arguments.

Hope this helps!

Web Maestro Clay

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