Another option for generating PDF, if you don't need all the advanced functionality of an XSL processor, could be iText:, I have not worked with this product before, but it *may* be able to handle very large and relatively simple/repetitive documents better. However, you'll no longer be working with XML & XSL documents as input.



Thanks for the answers.

There are some items where I am still a bit confused.

First, I must agree that it might not make sence to render 20000 rows into
PDF. The problem is, that the user can pick bad criteria and I can not
interact with him at that time.

As to splitting up the table:
J.Pietschmann wrote:
"It's not enough to reduce memory consumption. In order to
reclaim memory locked up in Area objects related to the
table, the FOs itself have to be reclaimed, which only
happens at the end of a page sequence."

I am quite new to XSL:FO but I think that you can only have one "body-flow"
inside a page-sequence? Snipet:
<fo:page-sequence master-reference="repA4" font-family="Helvetica"
     <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
           <xsl:apply-templates select="//tables"/>

If so, and it has no (positive) impact if I have more tables or not, then
the only possibility is to split the source (xml) and run more times?

Anders Malmborg

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