Then again, the jfor tool ( can be used by itself to 
translate XSL-FO to RTF, so if that's all you need, try using jfor without FOP 
at least until the Dev branch is release quality.

Original Message -----------------------
Clay Leeds wrote:

> "RTF
> This is currently not integrated with FOP but it will soon.
> This will create an rtf (rich text format) document that will
> attempt to contain as much information from the fo document
> as possible."
> If any of the fop-devs knows more about getting FOP to output
> to RTF, it would be great to update the web site to make the
> above actually contain useful information. I checked CVS for

RTF support is much more robust in the development branch, thanks mostly to
the jfor crew, led by Bertrand Delecretaz, and Peter Herweg's efforts to
integrate it. However, since releases are not being made from the
development branch yet, users will have to download and build it themselves,
at their own risk.

> the FOP Output Target page (from whence the above quote was
> taken), but couldn't find any information on the subject. The
> RTF-related info appears to have either been entered into the
> FOP Output Targets page before it was brought into CVS, or it
> wasn't well-documented.

The web site, of course, refers to the released versions, and is accurate.

WRT the source file, I don't follow. I can see the content here:
at line 240.

Victor Mote

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