The Euro sign is not so old. It was hacked in a few years ago. Whether
you can produce the Euro sign depends on the font having the Euro glyph
available. If you generate a PostScript file from in FOP
0.20.5's examples/fo/basic directory I get the Euro sign when I view it
inside a recent GhostView (no userconfig.xml used). But the same
PostScript file may not print correctly on an older PostScript printer
when using a Helvetica font, for example, and when you don't embed fonts.

On 22.06.2004 19:55:47 Geoffrey wrote:
> I use the same inputstream for a FOP configuration to PDF and one to
> PostScript.
> The inputstream contains a Euro sign (?).
> In the PDF it is shown, in the PostScript it isn't printed.
> Is this a known issue or did I configure something wrong?

Jeremias Maerki

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