Hello all,

I'm trying to determine the source of a problem I'm having. I have several documents that include images. Ideally, I would like to control the size of these images by percentage--for example, I would like all images for a document to be 60% of their original size.

I had thought I could set these parameters in my XML document, but they don't seem to take. When I use actual point sizes, the images are displayed as expected, but any values that I enter as percentages are ignored.

I think the problem lies in one of three places:

1. My XML editor is not assigning the values correctly (I use XMLMind).
2. FOP does not support percentage values yet.
3. My inexperience with XML and such is once again rearing its ugly head.

Has anyone else experienced this? If it is a FOP-related issue, could anyone recommend a reliable workaround?


Dave Shevitz

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