I'm trying to emulate an existing page layout with FOP, relying heavily on O'Reilly's XSL-FO book for reference. It's unclear from that book & from fop's examples how I can do this, so instead I'll shamelessly rely on your expertise. ;-)

I have rather wide sidebar area (defined as a region-end) into which I want to float selected blocks, such as callouts & small graphics. It should flow roughly like this:

|                .      |
|                .      |
|        A       .      |
|                .      |
|                .      |
|                .      |
|        C       .  B   |
|                .      |
|                .      |
|                .      |
|                .      |
|        D       .      |
|                .      |

The 'float' tag appears to do what I want, but it's not implemented yet (as of 0.20.5). Is there another way to get this kind of output? Extra credit -- assuming I can automate this marginal material, can the area bleed into the region-body, like so?

|                .      |
|                .      |
|        A       .      |
|                .      |
|        .              |
|        .              |
|   C    .      B       |
|        .              |
|        .              |
|                .      |
|                .      |
|        D       .      |
|                .      |

Thanks in advance,


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