I am using DOM to generate xml file. And the chinese character string is a hardcoded one
i.e. when i am setting value to xml node i am passing it string as "∆"  but DOM automatically converts this string and store into xml file as "&#x2206",
Can DOM take care of this ? I think i am asking Java related question but in case u know, pls let me know. I will also post it on Java forum.

Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You simply have to make sure that in the XML you generate you see
"&@x2205;" and not "&#x2206;". Then it should work. Can't say more
without seeing a code snippet showing how you generate this codes.

On 17.02.2005 08:27:19 Manisha Sathe wrote:
> I am generating XML - which is having some unicodes and these r writen as
> &#x2206; (for ∆ )
> When i render pdf using xsl it does not show me actual unicode
> character but shows me ∆. I tried using
> disable-output-escaping="yes" inside xsl but no use.
> How can i get proper display in pdf ?

Jeremias Maerki

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