Hi all

(apologies for cross-posting)

I'm thinking about ways to shake up the community demo slightly. It
occurred to me that the 3-week timeframe is somewhat odd if you don't know
the history of the team (i.e. that the full-time devs used to use
scrum/sprint methodologies, and the community demo grew out of the sprint

However, we no longer really do sprint in that way, and that takes some of
the constraints off the demo now. Moving to a monthly demo would make for a
more predictable schedule (say, first thursday of the month), and would
allow a larger period to generate useful/interesting features. This is
particularly relevant given the paucity of content over the last few demos
(although the timely merge of Dmitri's Puppet 4 proxy support saved me
yesterday :P). There's also the possibility to base the newsletter off the
demo, or vice versa, since both will be monthly.

The only potential downside I can see is contributors forgetting what they
worked on a month ago, or at least how to demo it, but that's not a huge

So what do you think? Is monthly better for you, or do you prefer the
3-weekly format? The poll is here:


(credit to Daniel for bringing this site to my attention in his
Azure/HyperV poll - much better than the previous strawpoll I used!)
IRC: gwmngilfen

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