On 04/07/16 03:00, Matthew Ceroni wrote:
> I am attempting to develop a plugin.
> The main functionality of the plugin is going to be to automatically set
> the Virtual machine network based off the subnet set on the interface
> tab. The initial version would just match the name set in the interface
> tab to the name of the network on the virtual machine tab. Future
> versions might take a config file to set that mapping.
> I believe the change should be pretty simple, just run a javascript
> function onchange when the subnet is selected. Therefore I need to
> include a new javascript (asset) on the host edit page. I see that
> plugins such as foreman_salt and foreman_bootdisk do just that. In my
> plugin I created a new asset and created the javascript file. However I
> am not sure how to tie that asset to the host edit page.

Using the Deface gem (https://github.com/spree/deface) is perhaps the
easiest method, which will allow you to inject the following into the
page template:

  <% javascript "foreman_example/your_asset" %>

Add deface ~> 1.0 as a dependency to the plugin, then create a file
under app/overrides/ containing something like:

  Deface::Override.new(:virtual_path => "hosts/_form",
                       :name => "foreman_example/js",
                       :insert_before => "erb[loud]:contains(:javascript)",
                       :text => "<% javascript
"foreman_example/your_asset" %>")

Untested, but the idea is that will match the <%= javascript %> at the
top of app/views/hosts/_form.html.erb and insert your own line there.

Dominic Cleal

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