On 07/22, Daniel Lobato Garcia wrote:
> On 07/21, Daniel Lobato Garcia wrote:
> > 3. Put node_modules in a new package (foreman-npm-assets?) that
> > foreman-assets %install section puts in the right place?
> >
> >   - Upsides:
> >      - relatively easy to do
> >      - jenkins can automate it
> >
> >   - Downsides:
> >      - less control or information for users about what's installed with
> >        foreman, although we could specify the dependencies under
> >        "Provides: bundled-npm(xxxx)"
> >
> >   - Success with POC: haven't tried
> Update - I tried to make a POC for this quickly
> https://github.com/theforeman/foreman-packaging/pull/1240
> I think it could work if there's a way of telling RPM to not care about
> the requirements -i.e: it notices there are multiple npm(tap-stream)
> versions and complains about that...
> To be fair I didn't expect RPM to read the contents of
> %{nodejs_sitelib} and figure out all the dependencies!

Update 2:

It's working! - http://i.imgur.com/c8CPRqq.gif

Brief summary:

The way foreman-node_modules works is by dumping node_modules in
/opt/foreman/node_modules, then copying that sources to the Foreman root
to ensure webpack:compile can run. Aside from that the Foreman package
itself now has a BuildDependency on node itself (& libuv) to run

That way we ensure no other program finds stuff it shouldn't on 
and we don't conflict with the nodejs-XXX packages provided by the
linux distribution.

It's not building in Jenkins, but it's just because I have not put the
sources for foreman-node_modules anywhere yet. You should be able to
build it with mockchain locally.

I think this solution would be a good compromise considering the
difficulties 2. (bundled-npms) had and also it's much less intrusive -
other packages need not to care about our npm deps at all.

> --
> Daniel Lobato Garcia
> @dLobatog
> blog.daniellobato.me
> daniellobato.me
> GPG: http://keys.gnupg.net/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7A92D6DD38D6DE30
> Keybase: https://keybase.io/elobato

Daniel Lobato Garcia


GPG: http://keys.gnupg.net/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7A92D6DD38D6DE30
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