On 08/26, Joseph Magen wrote:
> Hi all,
> I created a RFC for a plugin called foreman_api_v3
> <https://github.com/isratrade/rfcs/blob/master/0000-foreman-api-v3.md> and
> the initial repo at github.com/isratrade/foreman_api_v3. If the community
> accepts, I am happy to move this repo to theforeman/foreman_api_v3
> I choose to make this a plugin rather than a PR so it is optional for users
> and doesn't affect the core code. The initial repo only includes the GET
> `index` and `show` actions. The PUT/PATCH/POST/DELETE actions need to be
> added. Also, there are currently no functional tests in the repo, so a lot
> more work needs to be done.

Given more testing, and full functionality, I don't see why not making
this part of Foreman itself vs a plugin. Using json:api sounds great to
me, so thanks for doing it.

Having said that (and derailing a bit), I would want v3 not only to
comply with json:api but also to be documented with http://swagger.io/
instead. This gives us:

 - automated, better docs than what we have (example
 - automated tests to ensure docs do what they say
 - generates an SDK for the API in many languages
   automatically through https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen

Daniel Lobato Garcia


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