I am glad this is happening, it was so confusing to have such a
different way of basic navigation. And I hope more to come! Kudos!


On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 8:15 PM, Walden Raines <wrai...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hey y'all,
> TL;DR: goodbye infinite scroll, hello pagination for katello tables.
> Just wanted to make you aware of some proposed changes [1] to katello to
> replace infinite scroll with pagination in 6.3.
> I will try to preempt some questions y'all might have below but please let
> me know if you have any questions or concerns.
> What is the change?
> Basically just replacing the continuous "infinite" scroll with proper
> pagination.  See attached screenshot.
> Why make this change?
> With the removal of nutupane it became clear that when the user was on page
> ten of the infinite scroll that we needed to provide a way for them to get
> back to where they were in the table easily if they clicked on one of the
> items in the table.  By keeping infinite scroll we would have had to
> implement some complex, hacky way to do this (autoscrolling to where they
> were?  loading several pages behind? who knows?).
> This change also puts us in line with patternfly best practices [2] [3] and
> makes katello more similar to foreman.  Also, now we are including page
> number, sort by and direction, and search in the URL so if you reload the
> page or bookmark it (using the browser) you can easily get right back to
> where you were.
> Plus tables with pagination are better UX.
> Why now?
> Because I'm only one person and I am attempting to basically rewrite all of
> the katello UI by myself :)
> Again, please respond with any questions.
> Thanks,
> Walden
> [1] https://github.com/Katello/bastion/pull/179
> [2] http://www.patternfly.org/pattern-library/content-views/table-view/
> [3]
> https://rawgit.com/patternfly/patternfly/master-dist/dist/tests/table-view-navbar.html
> --
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  Lukas @lzap Zapletal

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