On 04/05/17 17:22, Sean O'Keeffe wrote:

> *I think I'll redo this as the following unless anyone has any
> objections..* I know we don't really want to include another join but i
> don't see any other way to cater for LoadBalanced & Multi-homed Smart
> Proxies.
> - A new SmartProxyHostname model (with name & hostname attrs) with a
> has_and_belongs_to_many relationship to SmartProxy and vise versa.
> - A new Smart Proxy Hostnames entry under the "Infrastructure" menu item.
> - On Smart Proxy creation a Hostname would also be created from the URL
> with the same Name as the Smart Proxy (so complexity isn't increased for
> simple deployments)
> - Hosts & Hostgroups objects would select a Hostname by Name. (this
> would be transparent as by default the Hostname would have the same name
> as the Smart Proxy)

Given that Hosts can already be multihomed, and have a name per nic,
does itmake sense to store this in the Interfaces table, instead of
creating a new table? If the code is sufficiently different, the
Interfaces model is STId too, so you *could* create an Interface::Proxy
model if need be.

I *think* that would get you want you need, no? UI side sounds sane
enough, as do the defaults, it'd just mean re-using the code we already
have for things with multiple names.


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