On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 8:02 AM, Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden <
ew...@kohlvanwijngaarden.nl> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 01, 2017 at 02:00:29PM -0400, Eric D Helms wrote:
>> In a previous thread [1], we discussed building an SCL vs. vendorizing
>> gems
>> and the general consensus was to build an SCL. This thread is to outline a
>> starting plan for how to build and maintain a Rails 5.1 SCL. I invite and
>> appreciate comments towards this design.
>> I'll begin by laying out some overall goals for the effort, a general
>> proposal of information and finally a breakdown of the why for each of the
>> proposal items to better explain my thinking.
>> Goals
>> * Stand alone Rails 5.1 SCL and repository
>> * Owned and maintained by the Foreman community
>> * Easy to update and maintain
>> * Strive for automation and package tooling to reduce maintenance cost
>> Proposal
>> Build location: Copr
>> SCL Name: tfm-ror51
>> Git repository: theforeman/tfm-ror51-packaging
>> Hosted: yum.theforeman.org/rails/tfm-ror51
>> RPM Signing: signed by unique Foreman owned GPG key
>> Tooling Repo: create package tooling repository separate from
>> tfm-ror51-packaging repo
>> Tooling Technology: Ansible
>> Breakdown
>> Build Location
>> There has been discussion around moving our RPM builds to Copr and off of
>> Koji. This will require shifting our configuration and setup, testing and
>> working out kinks in Copr workflow. Building this Rails SCL provides us an
>> opportunity to use Copr from the start, get familiar with it and workout
>> tooling to interact with and manage a repository there. Therefore, I am
>> proposing to start with Copr from the get go and avoid Koji.
> +1
> SCL Name
>> Given the Foreman community will own the SCL, and our SCL namespace is
>> 'tfm' I am suggesting we follow convention by naming it tfm-ror51.
>> Previous
>> Rails SCLs, were named similarly: rh-ror41, rh-ror42, sclo-ror42.
> +1 though we could look at creating a CentOS SIG to do it under the sclo
> flag. IMHO this can be parallel to the development or even after the fact.
> Git Repository
>> I am proposing we don't put this into foreman-packaging given the
>> lifecycle
>> of the SCL will not follow that of Foreman. Further, with the goal to
>> create a stand-alone Rails SCL repository this should have its own
>> lifecycle.
> +1
> Hosted
>> We could point at the direct Copr repository, and reduce our bandwidth.
>> However, since we own this Rails SCL I believe we should host it as such
>> officially. Further, this would allow us to do some pre-flight testing by
>> building a repository in Copr, running a test of either the SCL itself
>> and/or Foreman against the SCL updates before promoting.
> +1
> This would be similar to how we now have koji: as a staging ground, we
> test against this and promote if it's stable with the added benefit that
> it's easier to consume.
> RPM Signing
>> I am recommending here that we sign the SCL RPMs with a new GPG key
>> generated just for signing the SCL packages.
> COPR signs repos by default with its own GPG key. Do you want a separate
> GPG key when we host it on yum.theforeman.org?
> Tooling
>> With an eye towards foreman-packaging changes, I am proposing we create a
>> separate git repository for all package tooling. The goal here would to
>> build out new tooling to allow easier maintenance of the packaging and
>> repository.  This will allow the tooling to evolve independently of either
>> packaging repository.  Further, when applying this tooling to
>> foreman-packaging later, the tooling would not have to be duplicated
>> across
>> branches.
> +1
> Tooling Technology
>> I am proposing a centralization on Ansible as the tooling technology for a
>> number of reasons. First, I feel that it has a low barrier to entry while
>> providing a mix of high and low level interfaces. Secondly, Ansible allows
>> orchestrating and building out more complex and directed tasks. Third, a
>> team of us has some built out Ansible tooling that has been working well
>> for us in another area that would be easy to port for packaging
>> management.
>> I personally think bash is complex to understand for complex actions and
>> is
>> too simple for building up a set of cohesive tooling.
> For me this depends. If an ansible playbook is just a list of commands
> then IMHO it doesn't add much value over a shell script. If you use higher
> level tools (modules?) then there's a great benefit in both readability and
> maintainability. I could see us developing a copr module so we can use
> copr_build and such.

I might have to lay out more of what I am thinking, but based on some other
work there is a chunk of neat and powerful stuff that be done by using
Ansible + inventories with packages. Plus, as you said, modules give the
ability to create some higher level abstractions. I also stand by that
Ansible syntax is easier for new contributors than most bash scripts.

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Eric D. Helms
Red Hat Engineering

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