On Wed, Dec 06, 2017 at 07:07:05AM -0800, Jonathon Turel wrote:
A change
landed in Katello yesterday which introduced a new pattern of importing
product content information from Candlepin into the Katello DB. This is in
support of some new feature work and means that Candlepin will no longer be
consulted for that information until it's time to be refreshed. All areas
of Katello which use product content data are affected such as the Red Hat
Repositories page and several APIs.

In order to populate your local cache, please run `rake
katello:upgrades:3.6:import_product_content`. From that point on the cache
should be updated through ordinary use of Katello - importing manifests,
etc. This step is not necessary unless you have a manifest imported and/or
custom products created.

I'm working on a change for the installer to do the same import and I'll
update this thread once it's ready for review & test.

Let me know if you have problems, questions, or concerns.

Perhaps this is unrelated and not even possible, but I'd like to know if we could change database provisioning/seeding to not require candlepin. Currently for the organization a matching org in candlepin is created. That's a dependency that ideally shouldn't be there. Do you see this as an option?

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