I'm running Foreman 1.12.4 with Katello 3.1.0 on RHEL 7 with about 350 
hosts running RHEL 5, 6, and 7 attached. 

I've noticed that no hosts have applicable errata, and never have. The 
content views show thousands of errata, and I can manually dig in and find 
updated packages with attached errata that are not installed on the clients.

Googling around for this problem, I found some old references to problems 
with candlepin, and when I look I found that I'm getting these messages:

2017-01-11 08:42:03,508 [thread=http-bio-8443-exec-9] 
[req=5f702a90-db72-4aa8-9fe8-32d558db15ca, org=my-org] ERROR 
org.candlepin.common.exceptions.mappers.CandlepinExceptionMapper - Runtime 
Error com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Index: 0, Size: 
0 (through reference chain: 
at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck:653
2017-01-11 08:42:34,038 [thread=Thread-0 
(HornetQ-client-global-threads-139306825)] [=, org=] ERROR 
org.candlepin.audit.AMQPBusPublisher - Unable to send event: Event 
[id=null, target=COMPLIANCE, type=CREATED, time=Tue Oct 04 08:57:28 CDT 
2016, entity=8ab0bd815787024c01578ffc1d2d1445]
2017-01-11 08:42:34,038 [thread=Thread-0 
(HornetQ-client-global-threads-139306825)] [=, org=] ERROR 
org.hornetq.core.client - HQ214000: Failed to call onMessage

Some of the messages suggested looking at the qpid queue to see if events 
are backing up:

 qpid-stat --ssl-certificate /etc/pki/katello/qpid_client_striped.crt -b 
amqps://$(hostname -f):5671 -q | grep katello_event_queue
      Y                   15.9k  15.9k     0    99.8m  99.8m       0       
  0     2

The number of messages is slowly climbing, and never seems to decrease. In 
my test server, I see 1 consumer of the katello_event_queue, but have never 
seen one on the production server. The "Listen on candlepin events" task is 
in the running state. I've restarted the katello services (and the server) 
several times with no difference is results.

Is there any way to kick katello to get the errata mapping working?


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