On a CentOS 7 server I'm currently trying to install Katello using the 3.4 
guide found 
here: https://theforeman.org/plugins/katello/3.4/installation/index.html, 
but seem to be running into some errors. I had previously installed 3.2 
(without realising I wasn't installing the latest version) but due to some 
non-katello issues had to uninstall, so now I have gone to 3.4.

But when I get to the *foreman-installer --scenario katello 
--disable-system-checks* the install fails and a whole lot of error 
messages appear, and the lines that stand out the most are:

Failed to call refresh: /usr/sbin/foreman-rake db:migrate returned 1 
instead of one of [0]
/usr/sbin/foreman-rake db:migrate returned 1 instead of one of [0]


change from  to /etc/pki/katello/certs/pulp-client.crt failed: Execution of 
'/usr/sbin/foreman-rake -- config -k 'pulp_client_cert' -v 
'/etc/pki/katello/certs/pulp-client.crt'' returned 1: rake aborted!
Foreman::PluginRequirementError: ERF72-1622 
[Foreman::PluginRequirementError]: bastion plugin requires Foreman >= 1.16 
but current is 1.15.3
/usr/share/foreman/app/services/foreman/plugin.rb:143:in `requires_foreman'
`block (2 levels) in <class:Engine>'

I'm new to Katello and foreman, and don't have much more experience with 
Linux but I've been given this task and trying to work my way through it 

I have not been able to locate too much info about the bastion dependency 
error so if anyone has any ideas, that would be greatly appreciated!

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