I think the solution for this problem is to use cascade="none" for the item
reference in SequencedItem.

        ValueObject SequencedItem { 
            - @ItemSet itemSet <-> seqItems 
            Integer sequence range="min=1" 
            - @Item item cascade="none"    


greatfooty wrote:
> I'm having problems with the following btdesign :
> Application MyApp {
>     basePackage=org.testsculpt
>     Module seqitem {
>         Entity ItemSet {
>             scaffold
>             String name key                    
>             - Bag<@SequencedItem> seqItems orderby="sequence asc"
> cascade="all-delete-orphan" <-> itemSet 
>         }
>         ValueObject SequencedItem {
>             - @ItemSet itemSet <-> seqItems
>             Integer sequence range="min=1"
>             - @Item item     
>         }
>         Entity Item {
>             scaffold
>             String name key
>             String title             
>             String content
>             Repository ItemRepository {
>                       findAll hint="orderBy=name, orderByAsc=true";
>               }  
>         }    
>     }
> }
> I've generated with no custom code nor additions to the generated gui and
> then using the GUI i do the following:
> #1. create a few Items
> #2. create an ItemSet (without including any sequencedItems)
> #3. list the ItemSets and select the one just created at #2 for update
> #4. as part of update i create a sequencedItem (using either of the Items
> created at #1)
> #5. then on trying to persist updates for the ItemSet I get the following:
> System error
> (org.fornax.cartridges.sculptor.framework.errorhandling.DatabaseAccessException),
> caused by: org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaSystemException:
> org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to
> persist: org.testsculpt.seqitem.domain.Item; nested exception is
> javax.persistence.PersistenceException:
> org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to
> persist: org.testsculpt.seqitem.domain.Item 
> I've tried this now with sculptor 1.8 but get same problem under 1.7
> As background to why i'm desiging the data like this, see old post: 
> http://old.nabble.com/Re-ordering-a-related-List-of-entities--td26296763s17564.html
> Re-ordering-a-related-List-of-entities  You'll see that EntityA is
> ItemSet, EntityB is Item and EntityABRelation is SequencedItem except that
> I've made relation one-way 1-1 from SequencedItem to Item.
> Whenever order needs to be changed I'm intending to reorder the seqItems
> by updating the 'sequence' attribute on all affected SequencedItem
> instances. Haven't got to trying that yet as the above problem has me
> first wondering if i can use this datastructure. Note too i've taken this
> approach in preference to one suggestion which was storing an ordered list
> of ids onto ItemSet - that approach would've given me a ref integrity
> problem when trying to remove an Item that may be ref'd within multiple
> ItemSets.  
> The custom ui for this item re-ordering is to be a richfaces listshuttle
> as per:
> http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/richfaces/listShuttle.jsf;jsessionid=C54CFAEDFE2FB0DFFD479E3DD69E6019?c=listShuttle&tab=usage
> ListShuttle 
> In fact once I've managed to use sculptor for this I'd ideally like to
> bundle up this functionality to somehow introduce a new domain generation
> pattern for auto-creation of such a sequencing entity (similar to present
> many-many resolver but with a seq value included). I have many other
> scenarios where the same pattern is needed.   
> Any suggestions gratefully accepted re the persistence problem OR any
> other approaches that you could see to modelling the data to suit the
> listshuttle.

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