This is important stuff wrt overall ease of use for Sculptor - from a
newbie/novice viewpoint I'd say this is one (rare) area where the docco is a
little light on, maybe because initially it was expected to be simple - i'd
think we should have all scenarios identified (maybe in a table), including
default cascade values and maybe with depiction of equivalent uml constructs

You mention that by aggregate we really mean composition and i wonder do we
need equivalent of both a uml composite and aggregate? Knowing that an
object can exist standalone would seem to determine whether it needs have an
identity. BelongsTo does suggest composition whereas mayBelongTo could be
used for aggregation? That would be a way to enable identity for those

While we're at it, it would be neat if we could include some construct to
indicate that an entity can only be deleted when not referenced in any
(one-way) directed relationship. I've had that scenario recently, its
neither aggregation nor composition in the std uml sense but it maybe can be
regarded as another significant form of 'collection' just as DDD has
identified the aggregate form as being significant and has fleshed out
specifics of the concept, beyond whats presently defined in uml.

Incidentally i recall seeing a screencast of Eric E explaining that he'd
realised he didn't quite have the 'aggregate' concept defined correctly in
the DDD book. I never got to watch it all the way thru so will try to hunt
that down now to see what he was saying or whether he's published any
revision of the book ..

Patrik Nordwall wrote:
> What do we need to improve related to aggregates? 
> To clarify the terms, I'm actually talking about composition (filled
> diamond in uml), but I call it aggregate because that is the term used in
> DDD. See our description here:
> Two important rules for aggregates:
> - Only the root entity can be linked to from other entities and the
> contained entities and values are only accessible through the root.
> - Only the root entity can have a repository, i.e. it is not possible to
> fetch and save contained objects separately
> Right now we can do define aggregates with 'not aggregateRoot'
>         Entity Planet {
>             gap
>             String name key;
>             String message;
>             - Set<@Moon> moons opposite planet;
>             Repository PlanetRepository {
>                 findByKey;
>                 save;
>                 findAll;
>             }
>         }
>         Entity Moon {
>             not aggregateRoot // belongs to Planet Aggregate
>             String name key;
>             - @Planet planet opposite moons;
>         }
> The first thing we should remove is the limitation that this can only be
> used for Entity. There is no reason why it shouldn't be possible to do the
> same for ValueObject.
> Maybe it would make it easier to understand/read by using something like
> 'belongsTo' like this:
>         Entity Cargo {
>             - TrackingId trackingId key
>             - Location origin required
>             - Location destination required
>             - Itinerary itinerary nullable opposite cargo
>             - Set<HandlingEvent> events opposite cargo
>         }
>         ValueObject Itinerary {
>             belongsTo Cargo
>             - Cargo cargo nullable opposite itinerary
>             - List<Leg> legs
>         }
>         ValueObject Leg {
>             belongsTo Cargo
>             - CarrierMovement carrierMovement
>             - Location from 
>             - Location to
>         }
> belongsTo doesn't really add any more information to the model than 'not
> aggregteRoot', but I think it would be good to introduce it anyway, as an
> alternative syntax.
> Do you think we need something else? 
> For Google App Engine we added hint="owned" for references, but I think
> that was wrong. Specifying ownership on the associations doesn't really
> make sense, does it? 
> /Patrik

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