Puedes mirar AXES, es un buen transformador de 5250 a web.



aXes transforms RPG and COBOL 5250 programs into Rich Internet Applications
accessible via multiple Web Browsers on multiple devices (including
mobiles), without having to change a single line of code.

You don’t have to leave RPG or COBOL for your 5250 green screen
applications to automatically become modern Web browser-based applications.
You write the business logic and layout the screen. aXes does the rest by
turning your 5250 data stream into a modern, rich Internet user interface.

Using aXes eXtensions, you can enrich the user interface and add business
value to your 5250 applications with a host of Windows user interface
constructs, including dropdowns, checkboxes, radio buttons, calendars,
charts, hyperlinks, images and a full color palette.

And there's more... straight out-of-the-box, aXes includes remote access to
spooled print jobs, remote SQL access to IBM i databases and server


El 4 de octubre de 2013 02:59, informa...@vidal.ad

> Hola:
> Queremos pasar automáticamente una miniaplicación 5250 a web  y estamos
> evaluando hacer la conversión automática con HATS , estamos en versión
> V7R1M0( hemos descartado hacer de nuevo la aplicación con CGIDEV2 , PHP ,
> por cuestión de tiempo , no nos preocupa la estética  )  , ¿ Cual es
> vuestra experiencia con HATS? ¿ o tenéis alguna herramienta mejor ?
> Saludos.
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*Jorge Arturo Pèrez Osorio.*
“There are 10 types of people in the world.
Those who understand binary, and those who don’t.”
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Forum.Help400 © Publicaciones Help400, S.L.

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