Dear all, Please find below the Call for Papers for PASCO 2017:
8th International Workshop on Parallel and Symbolic Computation Note that the deadlines have been extended to: Abstract due Monday April 24th (23:59 PST). Papers due Sunday April 30th (23:59 PST). Decisions to authors Wednesday May 31st (23:59 PST). Final papers due Wednesday June 21st (23:59 PST). Best regards, Alexander ================================================================= CALL FOR PAPERS PASCO 2017 8th International Workshop on Parallel and Symbolic Computation Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 23-24, 2017 The International Workshop on Parallel and Symbolic Computation (PASCO) is a series of workshops dedicated to the promotion and advancement of parallel algorithms and software in all areas of mathematical computation. CONFERENCE TOPICS All topics covered traditionally by PASCO including: * Design and analysis of parallel algorithms for computer algebra * Practical parallel implementation of symbolic or symbolic-numeric algorithms * Design of high-performance algebraic packages and systems * Data representation and distributed data-structures * Considerations for modern hardware and hardware acceleration technologies (multi-cores, GPUs, FPGAs) * Cache complexity and cache-oblivious algorithms for computer algebra * Parallel implementations of computer algebra algorithms on GPUs * Parallel algorithm implementation and performance tuning * Compile-time and run-time techniques for automating optimization and platform adaptation of computer algebra algorithms * Applications of high-performance computer algebra in theorem proving, cryptography, computational biology, number theory, group theory, satisfiability checking, SAT solving, etc. PASCO 2017 is affiliated with and immediately precedes the 2017 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC2017), also in Kaiserslautern. Earlier meetings in the PASCO series (originally called Computer Algebra and Parallelism) include CAP'88 (Grenoble, France), CAP'90 (Ithaca, USA), PASCO'94 (Linz, Austria), PASCO'97 (Maui, U.S.A.), PASCO'07 (London, Canada), PASCO'10 (Grenoble, France) and PASCO'15 (Bath, UK). SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS The conference invites submission of papers presenting original research, either in the form of extended abstracts (2 pages) or full papers (up to 10 pages). Please use the ACM Master Article template style file (two column) available here: Papers are exclusively submitted via easy chair at Papers must be written in English. Papers must contain original research and may not duplicate work published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee and external referees. All accepted papers will be distributed at PASCO 2017. Publication in the form of a formal proceedings is planned through the ACM Digital Library (application pending). At least one author of each accepted paper must attend PASCO 2017 to present his or her paper. ORGANISING COMMITTEE General chair: Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. Programme Committee chairs: Michael Monagan, Simon Fraser University, Canada Jean-Charles Faugere, INRIA (Paris-Rocquencourt Research Center) Local chairs: Claus Fieker and Wolfram Decker, Technical University of Kaiserslautern. Treasurer: Tommy Hofmann, Technical University of Kaiserslautern. Publicity chair: Alexander Konovalov, University of St Andrews. PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Russel Bradford University of Bath, England Jean-Guillaume Dumas Universite Grenoble, France Jean-Charles Faugere (co-chair) INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France Joachim von zur Gathen Universitaet Bonn, Germany Pascal Giorgi Universite Montpellier, France Jeremy Johnson Drexel University, USA Erich Kaltofen North Carolina State University, USA Herbert Kuchen University of Muenster, Germany Marc Moreno Maza Western University, Canada Michael Monagan (co-chair) Simon Fraser University, Canada Clement Pernet Universite Grenoble, France Daniel Roche US Naval Academy, Annapolis, USA Wolfgang Schreiner Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria Allan Steel University of Sydney, Australia Emmanuel Thome INRIA Nancy, France IMPORTANT DATES Abstract due Monday April 24th (23:59 PST). Papers due Sunday April 30th (23:59 PST). Decisions to authors Wednesday May 31st (23:59 PST). Final papers due Wednesday June 21st (23:59 PST). ================================================================= _______________________________________________ Forum mailing list