I am using PSPad version 4.5.5 (2386) under XP Pro.
I got an issue with the wrap feature, which I would like to have permanently

In the pspad.ini file I have:

On many files the wrap feature is correctly maintained across sessions.

However certain files do not obey to the "WordWrap=1" setting, even if I close
and re-open that file during the same session.
Moreover, it happens that, after opening such a file and then exiting PSPad, the
setting in the pspad.ini file returns to "WordWrap=0".

I observed the described behaviour on large files, say above 350-400 kbyte in

If possible, I would like not to be forced to strike Ctrl-W any time I open such
a file.

May be I am doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance for any hints.

Giuliano Artico

Giuliano Artico - Padova, Italy

PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

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