Actually Carbonize, I would tend to agree with you (I am a C programmer)... but
it does not matter what anyone thinks.  It matters what the PHP compiler's
instruction set is when it comes to comments. 

Taken from the PHP documentation (edited last 13-Dec-2015)[The relevant bits are
in bold]:

The "one-line" comment styles only comment to the end of the line or the
current block of PHP code, whichever comes first. [b]This means that HTML code
after // ... ?> or # ... ?> WILL be printed: ?> breaks out of PHP mode and
returns to HTML mode, and // or # cannot influence that.[/b] If the asp_tags
configuration directive is enabled, it behaves the same with // %> and # %>.
However, the </script> tag doesn't break out of PHP mode in a one-line comment.

So then, according to the official documentation, PHP end "?>" will end PHP
irrespective of whether it is trailing // or #.

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