
I'm using Windows 8.1 64 bits, PSPad 4.6.2

I see in the changelog for PSPad 4.6.2 : Find in files - unwanted autocomplete
of search expression.
I don't know if the issue 1, that I report below, is related to that.

*** issue 1 :
currently selected text in a file is not the text put in the 'Text to find', of
the 'Search in Files' window

* start PSPad
* create an empty text file
* type : 'abc abcde'
* save the file
* select 'abcde' > open 'Search in Files' : 'abcde' correctly fills the 'Text to
find' field > execute search in opened files > you get 1 result
* select 'abc' > open 'Search in Files' : 'abcde' erroneously fills the 'Text to
find' field

it seems that 'abc' being part of 'abcde' is completed, does not seem desirable
in most cases...
does not happen if 'abc' has already been searched before (because, in this
case, 'abc' exists in the drop-down list I guess)

*** issue 2 (more difficult to reproduce) :
after many 'Replace in files', in many files, with these files opened, the
replacement is not visually reflected in these files

* create a project with 10 files, each containing the string 'blob' many times
if possible
* open all these files
* replace in open files, or in project, 'blob' > 'hello'
* check if the string 'blob' has been visually changed to 'hello' in the opened
        if the replacement is displayed correctly in the opened files, repeat 
'hello' > 'anything', etc...
        until the replacement is not displayed in the opened files
* close these files, reopen them, the last replacement was indeed done, but not
reflected in the opened files display
        if you type some text in a file with the display not updated, and save 
it, I
don't want to know what can happen... :)

PSPad freeware editor http://www.pspad.com

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