What I meant was what vbr wrote:  One word is marked and the other occurrences
are highlighted. Here is a screenshot.


I'm working on an PSPad extension (VBScript) to use the highlighter for this
purpose. In the highlighter (AutoIt3.ini) in the unused section "Key words 3" I
set a font and background color. With VBScript I check if a word has been marked
and write it temporarily into the section "Key words 3" of AutoIt3.ini. Then
(almost) all occurrences of the word are highlighted. 

If the word is unmarked, the entry in AutoIt3.ini is also deleted => all
highlights are removed.

This might work, but there are some problems, e.g. that occurrences in comments
are not highlighted. (see screenshot)


Is there a way to highlight words using VBScript? 


Many thanks for the tip about the EditorCommands! I searched a little and found
a good hint here (viz http://forum.pspad.com/read.php?2,62128#msg-62130 ). I
searched the PSPad directory for a rtf and found the Scripting.rtf. Is there
more information about EditorCommands? Is there a command to set the background
color for identical words?


PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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