cripting - if script runs when PSPad closes, message with script error appeared

Hello. Unfortunately the error message is still there. Here is an example code
that is more realistic. (No loop in "Init".)

' TestLoop.vbs
const module_name  = "TestLoop"         'this name must be unique !!!
const module_ver   = "0.001"            'version

sub MyTestLoop()
  Dim MyDateTime
    MyDateTime = Now()
    Call logSetLine(0, MyDateTime)
    ' do something else
end sub

' name "Init" is required, its called automatically during initialization to
create menu items
sub Init
  Call logAddLine("Press Ctrl+U to start the loop")
  addMenuItem "Test-Funktion", "TestMenu", "MyTestLoop", "Ctrl+U"
end sub

Suggestion: If the error message cannot be avoided, you could use
"Application.MessageBox". With this MessageBox I can read the error message (the
message text) and handle the problem myself. (With the other MsgBoxes I cannot
read out the Message Text (e.g. ShowMessage and MessageDlg).

Example: Application.MessageBox('Welcome.', 'Test', MB_OK);

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