a) The header of the autocomplete window is not translated to German:

This is caused by styles. In normal case Automcomple Window has no title, no
control, so translation wasn't needed. I translated window caption and I will
loook why is there window title when you use styles.

c) Access Violation. This happens when I open a project file from Windows 7
desktop. This file is a link to the real project file somewhere in my user
directory. It happens every time with every project file:

I made some changes, wait for next build.

d) Access Violation. When there are multiple files open, and their tabs are
spread in two lines (e.g. when window is slim), then a click with
middle-mouse-button on tab to close it causes an access violation, well, in far
most cases:

Can you test it without black theme please? I need to eliminate it is caused by
styles on Windows 7 x64

f) When PSPad window is scaled to fill a part of the screen only, and I click
its button in Taskbar to minimize PSPad, the window will be maximized when I
click the button again. PSPad window should have same size as before.

I can't confirm it. Fill part of the screen means PSPad isn't maximized? I
tested it with non maximized PSPad, styles on. I clicked on the taskbar button,
PSpad is minimized. When I click again, PSpad is restored to it's previous

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