When already started, PsPad opens its own binary (PsPad.exe) for editing in a
tab in addition to the actually desired text file.

This bug only occurs, when the setting:    Settings > Program Settings >
System Integration > Only One Program Instance   is ENABLED
It does not occur, when multiple instances are allowed.

_How to reproduce:_
First launch PsPad with a relative path and and a text file as command line
Then launch PsPad again with a relative path and and a text file as command line
Example for CMD:
>From pspad folder
..\pspad\pspad.exe PSPad.url
..\pspad\pspad.exe Licence.txt

_Further analysis and probable cause_
[url=https://www.ghisler.ch/board/viewtopic.php?p=384352#p384352]Total Commander
forum thread[/url]
Dalai: My guess is that it compares its own path
(C:     est\PsPad\PsPad.exe) to the path of the newly launched instance
(C:     est\PsPad\Colors\..\PsPad.exe) - which obviously fails in such a case. 
that's just a shot in the dark, and up to the developer to find out and

PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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