Crash occurs from time to time to me when working with xml or lua files. I've
been using PSPad for 6+ years, crash has always followed me over win 7, 8, 10
and 2 computers and 1 laptop with different hardware. Always AccessViolation.
Feel free to email me if you need sth. specific. 
Exception description:

Access violation at address 000000000052EED9 in module 'PSPad.exe'. Read of
address 00000000000007E0.

Exception class: EAccessViolation
Exception address: 000000000052EED9

Stack list, generated 17/04/2021 13:40:23
[000000000052EED9] System.Classes.TList.Get + $29
[0000000000863B58] JclDebug.JclCreateStackList (Line 5308, "JclDebug.pas" + 1) +
[0000000000863AC6] JclDebug.DoExceptionStackTrace (Line 5249, "JclDebug.pas" +
20) + $15
[00000000008654B2] JclDebug.DoExceptNotify (Line 6276, "JclDebug.pas" + 7) + $0
[0000000000853955] JclHookExcept.TNotifierItem.DoNotify (Line 272,
"JclHookExcept.pas" + 5) + $11
[0000000000853B9B] JclHookExcept.DoExceptNotify (Line 339, "JclHookExcept.pas" +
13) + $2B
[0000000000853D57] JclHookExcept.HookedExceptObjProc (Line 395,
"JclHookExcept.pas" + 5) + $0
[000000000041139E] System.@DelphiExceptionHandler + $26E
[00007FFA7179207F] Unknown function at __chkstk + $11F
[00007FFA71741454] RtlRaiseException + $434
[00007FFA71790BAE] KiUserExceptionDispatcher + $2E
[000000000052EED9] System.Classes.TList.Get + $29
[00000000008B55BD] SynEditKbdHandler.TMethodList.GetItem (Line 382,
"SynEditKbdHandler.pas" + 2) + $B
[00000000008B521C] SynEditKbdHandler.TSynEditKbdHandler.ExecuteMouseUp (Line
304, "SynEditKbdHandler.pas" + 6) + $15
[00000000008C2F69] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.MouseUp (Line 2448, "SynEdit.pas" + 4)
+ $0
[00000000007FB9C6] Vcl.Controls.TControl.DoMouseUp + $76
[00000000007FBA8D] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WMLButtonUp + $BD
[000000000040FEF5] System.TObject.Dispatch + $45
[00000000007FAC40] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $370
[0000000000801EA0] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $9A0
[00000000008CEA3B] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.WndProc (Line 6372, "SynEdit.pas" +
23) + $0
[000000000080101C] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[00000000005561B6] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $26
[00007FFA7147E858] Unknown function at CallWindowProcW + $3F8
[00007FFA7147E299] Unknown function at DispatchMessageW + $259
[00000000007B63B3] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $133
[00000000007B6428] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $18
[00000000007B6876] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run + $E6
[0000000000D8E3BC] PSPad.PSPad (Line 121, "" + 56) + $0
[00007FFA6F767034] BaseThreadInitThunk + $14
[00007FFA71742651] RtlUserThreadStart + $21

Program  : C:\Program Files\PSPad editor\PSPad.exe  5.0.6 (589)
System   : Windows 10 Professional x64, Version: 10.0, Build: 4A62, Processor:
Intel, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz, 3700 MHz MMX
Display  : 2560x1440 pixels, 32 bpp PPI: 96
Skin     : Windows

Active Controls Hierarchy:
TPSSynEdit "FEditor1"
TfChildEdit "fEdit_E23046406"

PSPad freeware editor

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