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PSPad 64 bit version doesn't contains scripting yet.

SHA1 hash:

This archive _contains modified files only_. The correct way how to get
full functionality:
1. Download and _install latest full version first!_
2. Replace existing files with content of archive

_Changes to 5.0.7 (620)_

Code folding support for User highlighters. For now languages based on curly
brackets are supported, in rest of languages added support lines. Is necessary
to set tcfCurlyBracket for Codefolding type in the User highlighter definition.
if you make modification, let me know or send me definition file, I will include
it in the next build.

Drag/Drop editing - copy selected text with CTRL key
Names of few highlighters and attributs was different in the new editor
component what looks like a "lost" configuration
Highlight all occurences of highlighted text - Case sensitive option wasn't
written into config
Toolbar background with dark skin
UNDO and modified file indication
Close file tabs to right, Close file tabs to left - sometimes left free tab row
Better difference between enable/disabled UNDO and REDO icon
Duplicate line functionality
Clipboard monitor
Close last file using file tab context menu / Close doesn't hide file panel
Another fixes reported by users

PSPad freeware editor

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