I am not sure how notepad++ does it. I would guess that it determines it cannot write to the folder on save and then offers to re-open in admin mode.
The message says "This file cannot be saved and it may be protected. Do you want to launch Notepad++ in Administrator mode?" If you say yes, then it UAC is opened and Notepad++ closes, and reopens in admin mode without losing any changes to the file you were working on. I did try a read only file and this was greyed out and editing locked out so the file attributes are checked first. I then tried a domain file that I made without write access and as expected Notepad++ offered admin mode and then of course still could not save to the location. I think this is reasonable behaviour, as an admin I know when I need domain rights vs UAC but often forget to raise an editor to UAC. One last interesting point is the following on a domain protected file. 1. PSPad errors with unable to save changes to file. (reasonable) 2. Notepad++ after raising to admin just doesn't save and gives not error either (bad). 3. Notepad (included in windows) knows it can't save the changes so pops up a new filename save window (probably best). -- <https://forum.pspad.com/read.php?2,71648,76219> PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com