Thanks again.

I just a saw this : " File ... contains broken UTF-8 encoding. Do you want to
open it ?
Problem is it is an OEM 850 file...

It makes me think about another question... If i'm correct i understa,d it's not
possible to detect an open accordingly an OEM (850) file and it causes me a lot
of troubles when i modifi them before seing characters with accent are messed

Does someone now a confortable solution for this ?

Possible cause:
you have active Remeber file state option, this will save information include
last use encoding. You save your file as UTF-8 previously. Now file was created
again in OEM encoding.

I don't think so, that OEM encoding was incorrectly detected from OEM file.

You can any file reopen in correct encoding if PSPad detects is wrong - switch
encoding and use Reopen file (Ctrl+R)

PSPad freeware editor

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