I've an archive (maybe more archives ...) containing strings like "œ" or

I'm using this 'strange characters' combination as separators/ids in 'custom
dictionaries' because in 'real life' these combinations rather exist, and when
they are eliminated in keys and values before creating the dictionary ...

Opening the file with some text-editor, all ok.
Opening the file with PsPad, sometimes, ok but mostly popping up a warning
window saying file 'contains broken UTF-8 encoding. Do you want to open it?'
If u confirm the warning window with NO, pops up an error message, saying file
cannot be opened.
In this case PsPad looses the ability to access the file from the left project
file list  (clicking it) until PsPad is restarted. 
If PsPad is restarted generally the atempt to open the file, terminates in
popping up the warning window saying file 'contains broken UTF-8 encoding' ...

Selecting from the file-explorer-window on the left 'open with Notepad' works
fine, 'open with PsPad' ends up with the warning window saying file 'contains
broken UTF-8 encoding' ...

If u confirm the warning window 'contains broken UTF-8  ..' with YES,  File
Encoding changes from ANSI Western European (1552) to Unicode UTF-8 no BOM
(65001), but in the Encoding menu still remains selected 'ANSI Western European
(1552)'. The characters of the 'rare' strings are converted in ďż˝, putting back
the file encoding to ANSI Western European (1552) by clicking the encoding
information on the bottom of the PsPad program window, saving the file with ANSI
Western European (1552) encoding, results that on reopening the archive, it
stays in ANSI Western European (1552) and the ďż˝ signs are converted  in
standard ? signs.

Clicking on file-info and statistics throws an

Access violation at address 00007FFB1100A525 in module 'KERNELBASE.dll'. Read of
address 000000000000073C.

... which can be closed without PsPad to crash and opening the window with the
file-info: Words count zero, lines count 47 (see image)

Windows 10 Pro 64bit, PsPad(64) 5.0.7 (681) used from extern disk (crete project
from folder on start) same effects downgrading to 649 ... but in times when 649
was latest version it didn't happen.

(viz https://deposta.net/pspad-2021-08-21.jpg )

BTW: reopening such a lot of times PsPad I noticed that selecting 'Create
Project from Directory' the 'Project Default Directory' search window on each
new search opens a little bit more down-right ... :-)
And I remember the times when the Program Default Directory there was scrolled
in the view, and in Dark Theme the search window  is bright ... but these are
not important details.

PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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