On 5/18/07, Subir Pradhanang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/17/07, Prasanna Gautam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > since jwalanta dai was asking me ... I'm interested... (ok i was
> interested
> > anyways.. ) essentially what kind of program are we planning... more
> > details...?
> OK cool, it's Prasanna this time. We could give some information about
> possible FOSS alternatives to ppl wanting to migrate.

That was the plan.. things like
Portable Apps

btw.. can we put some of these small files on fossnepal site?
so that people can download it fast here..

Maybe we could also let ppl know about the upcoming FOSS Social
> program by Dr. David Wiley to be held on Thursday May 24 at 4:30 pm at
> Yala Maya Kendra, Patan Dhoka and just a little bit about Open Content
> alongwith this.

Yeah... that just can't be missed.. but how much can we say abt open
content...? esp regarding the time constraints..

Just my suggestion though. It's upto you...your thoughts??
> Cheers,
> Subir
> >

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