Dear guys,
This is my minor attempt to make mst useful firefox addons easily available
and installable in single click.

Basically, whenever I install firefox I need all the below addons to it. I
cannot live without these:

   1. *Cooliris*: It transforms your browser into a full-screen 3d wall for
   searching, viewing and sharing the web.
   2. *Downthemall*: The mass downloader for firefox.
   3. *FEBE*: Backup your firefox data.
   4. *FireFTP*: FTP client for firefox.
   5. *FoxyTunes*: Control any media player from firefox and more...
   6. *Gspace*: Use your gmail account space for file storage. Enables
   uploading/downloading of folders.
   7. *Google translator*: Translate the selected text in webpage.
   8. *Googlepedia*: Shows you a relevant wikipedia article along with your
   search result.
   9. *Greasemonkey*: A user script manager for firefox.
   10. *Nepali Input Extension*: An Easy-to-use extension to Input Nepali
   Unicode Characters in romanized keyboard layout
   11. *Nepali Dictionary*: Nepali spellchecking dictionary(based on
   dictionary compiled by Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya).

All The extensions mentioned above are creation of their respective

P.S.: This extension is created with
CLEO<>addon for
ease. I do not hold any warranty if installation or use of this
extension harm your computer.

Download: Razext Firefox Addon<>

I think We can use this CLEO to compile addons for firefox to keep in
Nirvikalpa Project. This tool can be of some help.

cheers guys...

Prabin Gautam
M.Sc. Computing
The University of Northampton
Northamptonshire, UK

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