
currently we have two event types
 - saturday meets
 - hackathon

i'd like to propose a new event type called 'WADR' aka (W)ith (A)ll (D)ue 


the objective of WADR would be

- deconstruct other technologies, projects from a hacker / deeper perspective.
- understand the core idea
- explore the implementation
- study their bug reports / issues very closely
- learn from their architectural limitations, mistakes

then we put on our own thinking caps and come up with our own design. given 
sufficient interest we may even go ahead and do our own implementation.

WADR would get scheduled on a 'Sunday' at '(UTC+0000) 0800 hrs and be of '240 
min' duration.


consider the current use of 'templating system' in DevOps space which 
essentially started off with 'web templates'
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template_engine_(web) eg. jinja2

and we also go configuration languages

eg. HCL

eg. UCL

eg. nginx conf


now when we put our thinking caps, we realize that configuration language, 
template, declarative style are best connected using 'type safety' and not 
'strings'. Here is an opportunity !


Finally as to the usage of the phrase WADR, read it an apt description 
(@st_vincent) of it while doing an internet search

"with all due respect" is a wonderful expression because it doesn't actually specify 
how much respect is actually due. Could be none".

Guess it would be cheeky fun. What does everyone think ?

warm regards

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