
auf der FOSS4G 2021 wird es wieder einen Community Sprint geben, zu dem alle herzlich eingeladen sind - nicht nur Entwickler:innen.

Dieser findet am Samstag dem 2. Oktober 2021 statt.

Es gibt sicherlich viele Bereichen, in denen Aufgaben umzusetzen sind (Entwicklung, Testing, Dokumentation & mehr). Es können Kontakte geknüpft werden, Projekte kennengelernt werden und es kann projektübergreifend ein Austausch erfolgen.

Es wird sicherlich eine sehr spannende Veranstaltung.

Die Anmeldung sollte bis zum 15. Juli erfolgen.

-> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2021/Community_sprint

Sicherlich ist es aber auch möglich, spontan vorbeizuschauen.

Viele Grüße

Astrid Emde

-------- Originalnachricht --------
Betreff: [OSGeo-Discuss] Join the FOSS4G 2021 Community Sprint on Saturday October 2nd,  2021 - please register
Datum: 02.07.2021 16:58
Von: "Astrid Emde \(OSGeo\) via Discuss" <disc...@lists.osgeo.org>
An: Announce <annou...@lists.osgeo.org>, Discuss <disc...@lists.osgeo.org>, OSGeo Projects <proje...@lists.osgeo.org>
Antwort an: astrid_e...@osgeo.org

See News Item https://www.osgeo.org/foundation-news/foss4g-2021-community-sprint/

The FOSS4G 2021 Community Sprint [1] will be right after the global FOSS4G 2021 conference [2] and has the aim to bring people together to discuss and improve OSGeo projects. It will take place online on Saturday October 2nd,  2021, using WorkAdventu.re [3] plus a bounce of Jitsi channels for each project.

The Community Sprint offers an excellent opportunity to meet other OSGeo members and get involved in OSGeo projects! It is a golden opportunity for developers and non-developers to meet with the core team of those projects, get a deeper insight into the software and participate in development, testing or documentation. We follow this tradition since 2009.

Since we need to create the Workadventu.re environment, we ask all projects to register on the wiki page by July 15th. Projects that have registered on time will have their own Workadventu.re environment, those that register later will only have a Jitsi channel reported on the community sprint wiki page.

The OSGeo Code Sprint is open to all who wish to participate in one or more projects. WorkAdventu.re environment is open only to people registered to FOSS4G 2021 whereas the Jitsi channels are open to everyone.

There is always plenty to do – it’s not all about programming; translation, documentation, feedback, discussions, testing – all this is also important for projects, so everyone is cordially invited to attend the community sprint!

The Organizing Team is looking forward to your coming!

Please register soon [1]

See you at FOSS4G 2021!

The FOSS4G 2021 Community Sprint Team

[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2021/Community_sprint
[2] https://2021.foss4g.org/
[3] https://workadventu.re/

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