
There are a few broken links in the Technical Overview Wiki page:

Index: www/tech_overview.wiki
--- www/tech_overview.wiki
+++ www/tech_overview.wiki
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
 checkout for a project and contains state information that is unique
 to that working checkout.

 Fossil does not always use all three database files.  The web interface,
 for example, typically only uses the repository database.  And the
-[/help/all | fossil setting] command only opens the configuration database
+[/help/all | fossil settings] command only opens the configuration database
 when the --global option is used.  But other commands use all three
 databases at once.  For example, the [/help/status | fossil status]
 command will first locate the checkout database, then use the checkout
 database to find the repository database, then open the configuration
 database.  Whenever multiple databases are used at the same time,
@@ -70,20 +70,20 @@
 <table border="1" width="80%" cellpadding="0" align="center">
 <td width="33%" valign="top">
 <h3 align="center">Configuration Database<br>"~/.fossil"</h3>
-<li>Global [/help/setting |settings]
+<li>Global [/help/settings |settings]
 <li>List of active repositories used by the [/help/all | all] command
 <td width="34%" valign="top">
 <h3 align="center">Repository Database<br>"<i>project</i>.fossil"</h3>
 <li>[./fileformat.wiki | Global state of the project]
     encoded using delta-compression
-<li>Local [/help/setting|settings]
+<li>Local [/help/settings|settings]
 <li>Web interface display preferences
 <li>User credentials and permissions
 <li>Metadata about the global state to facilitate rapid
@@ -110,11 +110,11 @@
 <h3>2.1 The Configuration Database</h3>

 The configuration database holds cross-repository preferences and a list of all
 repositories for a single user.

-The [/help/setting | fossil setting] command can be used to specify various
+The [/help/settings | fossil settings] command can be used to specify various
 operating parameters and preferences for Fossil repositories.  Settings can
 apply to a single repository, or they can apply globally to all repositories
 for a user.  If both a global and a repository value exists for a setting,
 then the repository-specific value takes precedence.  All of the settings
 have reasonable defaults, and so many users will never need to change them.
@@ -237,11 +237,11 @@
   *  The project logo image
   *  Fields of tickets that are considered "significant" and which are
      therefore collected from artifacts and made available for display
   *  Templates for screens to view, edit, and create tickets
   *  Ticket report formats and display preferences
-  *  Local values for [/help/setting | settings] that override the
+  *  Local values for [/help/settings | settings] that override the
      global values defined in the per-user configuration database.

 Though the display and processing preferences do not move between
 repository instances using [/help/sync | fossil sync], this information
 can be shared between repositories using the

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