There is now a new Fossil check-in which might fix this problem.  See for details.

This check-in occurs *after* the version 2.6 release of Fossil.  So
you will need to recompile Fossil yourself in order to get access to
this potential fix.  Let me know if you need help in doing that.

Sergey:  Please try out the new Fossil and tell me "yes" or "no"
whether this fixes your problem.

On 5/3/18, Dipl. Ing. Sergey G. Brester <> wrote:
> Hello Richard and all.
> 1. I assume it affects only import/export with options
> "--import-marks/--export-marks"...
> 2. Therefore I think, that the export of Andreas was never affected by
> this mistake, because he does whole (not partial) export (so without
> marks).
> 3. I cannot confirm the mentioned commit of Jan changes something (if
> options "--import-marks/--export-marks" used).
> In contrary I'm sure it still does not work, because I made my latest
> test-export on 02 May 2018, where Jan's commit was already pushed to
> tcl-repo (and the export still failed).
> 4. The idea to change order by clause (e. g. sort by rowid and not by
> date) sounds plausible (and I believe ordering by any date is wrong, at
> least by the usage of option "--git").
> Regards,
> Sergey.
> 03.05.2018 19:55, Richard Hipp wrote:
>> Fossil does its export in timestamp order. (Key source line here:
>> [1]) But Jan
>> did a check-in with a bad timestamp. (See
>> [2])
>> That caused the MARKs to occur out-of-order. Jan subsequently fixed
>> the timestamp on the check-in (see
>> [3]) so the export should
>> be
>> working now.
>> Andreas - please confirm that the export has been working ever since
>> Jan fixed the timestamp on 2018-04-25.
>> I suppose a proper fix would be to change the ORDER BY clause to cause
>> the check-ins to be scanned in a dependency order, rather than in
>> chronological order. I'm not sure exactly what that SQL would be,
>> though....
> Links:
> ------
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

D. Richard Hipp
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